Anyone have any tips for defending chokes? I've practiced numerous amounts of time on the comp, which I'm good at. But online, I have no chance. Any tips, short cuts for defending??
Short cuts indeed.
Hold LS or whatever control it is for you in a direction of your choice before it actually starts and wait for it to find you, or you can slightly move it from your starting hold position.
Then just try to follow but if you lose it, SHORT CUT ahead of it.
For example, you are following it clockwise from 12 o'clock but somewhere around 3-4 it stops then continues ahead of you; you can 'skip' ahead to say 7 o'clock and catch up to it.
More so than anything, it is just practice.
A good look at your CHOKE SUBS RATING helps too. If it's low, it'll be tougher against somebody especially with maxed out chokes.
|||Sweet. Thank you so much.|||The offensive stat makes the sweet spot bigger and easier to find, where as it's your opponents grapple defense stat your fighting against.|||Also, I think if you lose it, you can let go of the stick and it'll show up as well as replenish your stamina. (minor)
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