Friday, April 27, 2012

Classic vs TSC

IMO TSC > Classic
Well.. unless you are a low life body hook spammer.
But if you play by the general "3 hook rule" then TSC is much, much better...|||i much prefer buttons and the most punches ive ever thrown in a row is like four if ive got them on the defense heh plus i mix in jabs and uppercuts too, i just much prefer having a button for strikes.|||I am a Ground specialist so TSC works best for me.
"but IRL i am a UFC black belt so MEhhHH"|||I switched to CC because my standup was so horrible. I like to mix up my punches, and not by hook, hook, hook, hook to the body, then repeat that to the head, but by throwing a nice body shot and then going immediatly to the head, then maybe double back up to the body, to the head, then double up to the head, just keep them guessing. But with TSC the modifier to throw a body shot was just way too hard for me. However, now my standup is mediocre, or slightly below average, but my ground game is HORRIBLE! I am now thinking maybe I have the timing on my standup down a little bit, so maybe I will switch back to TSC. Both have their advantages, I think the CC advantages are just more noticeable because of how some people spam mindlessly. They are beatable though, if that's all they do.|||I've only ever used TSC - does it actually have a significant advantage over CC on the ground?|||

I've only ever used TSC - does it actually have a significant advantage over CC on the ground?

Yes cause the only way to make an error in the grappling with tsc is to hit the wrong button. No matter what direction you are facing on the ground you are just hitting a button to pass, while with cc you have to flick the analog in the correct direction to pass or nothing will happen leaving you open to be passed on by your opponent or you could even end up standing back up.
Iwould say that the advantage on the ground with tsc is about as noticeable as the striking advantage cc has due to the fact that when it comes to striking the chance of user error is removed for cc instead of tsc it just isn't as easy to see the ground advantage because of how difficult it is to take most competant players down unless they want you to and because of the fact that if you haven't had the tko mini game pop up you wouldn't be able to know if your opponent was using tsc or cc.|||

I've only ever used TSC - does it actually have a significant advantage over CC on the ground?

Yes cause the only way to make an error in the grappling with tsc is to hit the wrong button. No matter what direction you are facing on the ground you are just hitting a button to pass, while with cc you have to flick the analog in the correct direction to pass or nothing will happen leaving you open to be passed on by your opponent or you could even end up standing back up.
Iwould say that the advantage on the ground with tsc is about as noticeable as the striking advantage cc has due to the fact that when it comes to striking the chance of user error is removed for cc instead of tsc it just isn't as easy to see the ground advantage because of how difficult it is to take most competant players down unless they want you to and because of the fact that if you haven't had the tko mini game pop up you wouldn't be able to know if your opponent was using tsc or cc.

CC is as good as TSC on the ground.You just have to flip the stick in the correct direction,not a random one,to get the transition you want.You have to flip it towards the area that you intend your fighter's body to move to when making the transition.|||I never said anything about the direction being random. Still just like with striking on tsc the grappling on cc is much more succeptable to error due to the fact that if you flick isn't dead on in the desired direction you could end up doing something unintended or nothing at all. Then there are major transitions which require a cc user to gesture which is strikingly similar to the way that you strike with tsc, while on tsc a major transition is just like throwing a punch on cc, use the left analog while hitting the button to pass. When someone has to press a button the chance for error isn't there like it is whe you have to make a gesture or any motion in a direction on an analog stick where there is a higher room for error due to the fact that you could accidentally gesture in between to different transitions, while you can't hit one button and get the wrong response for hitting something between two buttons.|||^ ^
They will never acknowledge this. They are a bunch of double standard having hypocrits. They always say a button press is faster then a stick gesture when speaking of the advantage CC has in the standup then turn around and say that very same button press isnt faster then stick gestures on the gound. They also ALWAYS ignore that you have to do half circles to major with CC and repeatedly say all we have to do is flick the stick.|||this whole conversation (if you can even call it that anymore) about TSC vs CC is like a damn broken record with neither side giving up so LET THE DAMN THING REST ALREADY!!!! It's going nowhere and making 3508724508723405234 topics about it won't do any good unless your goal is to flood the forums with redundant crap..|||TSC are better than CC i tried CC don't like it at all doesnt seem like mma just seems like FN when get taken down by a CC opponent all what happens is they hit you over 100X within a space of 30 seconds which drains all your stamina but not faize theirs which pretty much sucks|||

^ ^
They will never acknowledge this. They are a bunch of double standard having hypocrits. They always say a button press is faster then a stick gesture when speaking of the advantage CC has in the standup then turn around and say that very same button press isnt faster then stick gestures on the gound. They also ALWAYS ignore that you have to do half circles to major with CC and repeatedly say all we have to do is flick the stick.

seems like you ve figured out everything.except for the fact that i actually use cc,not tsc.and as i said cc has no disadvantage on the ground,or at least it works as good as i want it to for me.other than the first couple of days i switched to cc,i have zero problem doing the transitions correctly,it depends on the position of the fighters and the camera angle.
major trans is no problem either,u are able to do it anytime and fast enough.and even if cc has a slight disadvantage on major trans due to the circular motion,there is no comparing which scheme is more convenient overall.
what i can't get,though,is guys that stick to tsc even if they find it hard to handle or unfair against cc.i ve played guys with crazy standup skills who use tsc but,seems like it takes a lot of practise.
Control schemes do not have emotions and will not get disappointed in you,so,if u find it hard or frustating to play with tsc,why dont you switch schemes instead of complaining on a forum? ^^

Control schemes do not have emotions and will not get disappointed in you,so,if u find it hard or frustating to play with tsc,why dont you switch schemes instead of complaining on a forum? ^^

There is a lot of win in this statement. :)|||should of had cusom controls lol would be fun ^^|||I have been playing this game for a month soon. Never really played any games before this, got my xbox solely for EA MMA. I just went with the preset TSC and started to grind. after about 700 matches now i feel very comfortable with TSC and don't see any imbalanced advantage for the CC user.
Ofcourse i feel my stand up is lacking compared to most opponents but since i like the ground game i feel that i have the same advantage on the ground.
CC vs TSC really gives a match that classic grappler VS striker feeling and i have nothing against it.
Sure you meet alot of "hookers" but they usually don't have the skills to even defend a takedown and can't be blamed on the control scheme, so i blame the hookers not cc.

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