|||i say...take this guy from the leaderboard....
there are many fairplayers under the top100
and they have earned it.|||dude stickstyle already told you in the last thread he closed . just stop harassing me please.|||TAKE THIS GUY FROM THE LEADERBOARD!|||for all.. if you like the game...DONT PLAY AGAINST EGGHEAD.|||The funny thing is were supposed to believe egghead is married hahahahahhaha!|||:)|||i have a camera and for all who dont believe me i can proove everything ive said so if you want to go to a chat room send me a friend invite you can meet me the wife and the kids . i have nothing to hide.if not then please stop harassing me.|||really send me an invite we'll all sit down together if you guys want to meet my family so bad . if that puts to rest your doubts about anything ive said . if not i really am not too concerned with what you assume.|||im sick of being called a cheat when im not so i did a little digging to find a real cheat and i found two . FOR_KRON_RUSS and raddio13 both are master white belts and both already have the master red belt trophies and raddio13 is the first to unlock the platinum trophy not the first to earn as the dubious honor will be mine . while you guys were waisting time on me cheats were right around you . how about some posts on these guys the actual cheats.and for once maybe we'll be on the same side about something. send both friend invites they dont have to accept , then hit x on their profile and scroll down to their mma trophys you'll see they have unlocked all masters belt trophys but wait both are master white belts or right around there. all the proof you need is on their trophys just look you'll see.|||get a life.|||its a video game ive got thousands of lives lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||
its a video game ive got thousands of lives lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha, that was pretty good.
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