Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fedor / Classic Bas called. They told me to stop playing your game.

I will gladly go up against ANY CAF, career or otherwise ... but I am seriously considering putting this game down permanently if I see another 10 Fedor or Bas players online.
EA .. implement a way for me to skip non-CAF ranked fights ASAP! You * up and made a few fighters OP. It happens. I just don't want to see them anymore.
It's to the point that when I see the REAL Fedor on TV ... I get pissed off!|||This is pretty good. :)
You have people that only want to face stock fighters and no CAF's and you have people that only want to face CAF's and no stock fighters, people that claim nobody is on to fight at certain weights, not to mention the controller people, oh my. Sounds like EA was dammed with you guys no matter what.|||

This is pretty good. :)
You have people that only want to face stock fighters and no CAF's and you have people that only want to face CAF's and no stock fighters, people that claim nobody is on to fight at certain weights, not to mention the controller people, oh my. Sounds like EA was dammed with you guys no matter what.

I don't see how any of those things would be difficult to accommodate with a more robust matchmaking system.|||With 20-40 people online at a time as has been complained about you have an issue of numbers.|||It's too bad that more people don't fight in middleweight, welterweight, and lightweight.|||

With 20-40 people online at a time as has been complained about you have an issue of numbers.

I'm fairly confident based on the number of complaints that online numbers would increase, not decrease if matchmaking was improved.

It's too bad that more people don't fight in middleweight, welterweight, and lightweight.

Once I get my online achievements i will be!
|||Good enough, but the question to ponder is EA that confident. They obviously were not upon release and i'm not sure I see what would have made them more confident since. I could be wrong of course and we could see this in the next patch.|||

Good enough, but the question to ponder is EA that confident. They obviously were not upon release and i'm not sure I see what would have made them more confident since. I could be wrong of course and we could see this in the next patch.

I truly hope so. Fighting one after another is simply not fun ... and that's what it really boils down to for me.|||Why don't more people play at LW? I swear there isn't nearly as much room for exploits there.|||

Why don't more people play at LW? I swear there isn't nearly as much room for exploits there.

Because I use game face and am a fat *
:)|||Repost|||Fight in a different weight class.|||I don't understand why people don't have more pride. Using Fedor and Classic Bas at White/Yellow belt while you learn the game I can understand. But using Fedor when you're a brown or black belt? Where's your pride?!! If you're that good win using a poorer fighter and prove it.|||

I don't understand why people don't have more pride. Using Fedor and Classic Bas at White/Yellow belt while you learn the game I can understand. But using Fedor when you're a brown or black belt? Where's your pride?!! If you're that good win using a poorer fighter and prove it.

Your use of the word 'pride" I find very interesting when relating it to a video game.
Pride-a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
However, after being on this board again, I can see how video gaming and real life have crossed paths in how people relate to them and see themselves playing them. Very interesting to me as a old head to see this happen over the years. When video games first hit the idea of a person having "pride" about their place in a virtual world might have gotten them committed. Times have really really changed.

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