Friday, April 20, 2012

Real Classy Player

So tonight I'm sitting here playing minding my own business I get a random message from Boiler569 aka butterbean569 on these forums. In the past him and I have had our disagreements but I dropped it and forgot about it because it was a waste of my time. Normally I just read and delete but something told me to take the higher road and give this kid a chance. Give him a chance because he was reaching out grasping for something... Over the next 2 hrs here are his messages to me.

No obviously this kid needs some help. So please if anyone here is actually friends with this kid, get him some help. He has some serious insecurities and maybe even sexual fears he needs to deal with. He is placing way too much time and anxiety into a game where he feels he is oppressed and is grasping for whatever attention he can get.
Also if this poor soul is representing your league or camp you might want to seriously talk to him about his maturity level as one bad apple ruins the whole bucket.|||Lol, that's a whole lotta hate.|||

Lol, that's a whole lotta hate.

Yes BC it is. A whole lot of hate and mixed up feeling of insecurity.|||Honestly its just a lot of immaturity. There is an unfortunate group of young men that play these games that have locked their RL ego and many times self worth into a video game. It comes out just about every single time they make a post.
The saddest thing about it is that while some are playing the internet role of the tough guy, some are serious and its the kind of thing that spills over into every corner of their lives.|||

Honestly its just a lot of immaturity. There is an unfortunate group of young men that play these games that have locked their RL ego and many times self worth into a video game. It comes out just about every single time they make a post.
The saddest thing about it is that while some are playing the internet role of the tough guy, some are serious and its the kind of thing that spills over into every corner of their lives.

very true UCLANUPE. Its is sad how involved some people bring these types of games and self righteous rankings in their real life. Its almost like a disease. So seriously guys lets get this kid some help. He honestly needs it.|||he is just made that you spamming whores play the game, makes it real unfun.|||Everybody's a psychologist, apparently.|||

he is just made that you spamming whores play the game, makes it real unfun.

I'm glad that everyone thinks everyone spams. I throw the same combos that any other player and TSC user throws but just because I'm a CC now its spam. Because I set mine up and connect, I spam. Its ridiculous that all we hear is TSC vs CC and spam spam spam. Maybe if you all would sit down and watch the entire motions you would see that jabs are worked in with hooks to body and head. That isn't spam. But sure BANE you can have your opinion that everyone is just MAD (not made) about spamming.

Everybody's a psychologist, apparently.

No I'm not a psychologist but I know enough to see the warning signs of a mid 20s male who has some issues and he has some issues.|||No. The guy doesn't have some social disease. In reality, he's probably a normal dude like the rest of us. He just acts like a tool on the internet.|||

I'm glad that everyone thinks everyone spams. I throw the same combos that any other player and TSC user throws but just because I'm a CC now its spam. Because I set mine up and connect, I spam. Its ridiculous that all we hear is TSC vs CC and spam spam spam. Maybe if you all would sit down and watch the entire motions you would see that jabs are worked in with hooks to body and head. That isn't spam. But sure BANE you can have your opinion that everyone is just MAD (not made) about spamming.

anyone can be grammar police bud

so before you jump to call someone a lair learn your facts about the disease.

CC strikes are faster and you can instantly parry at the same time. Every single CC player ive fought either spams or continually parrys one side and runs away until they explode with a flurry of hooks. its * stupid. Also, my name is from a book, try reading sometime bud.|||

So tonight I'm sitting here playing minding my own business I get a random message from Boiler569 aka butterbean569 on these forums. In the past him and I have had our disagreements but I dropped it and forgot about it because it was a waste of my time. Normally I just read and delete but something told me to take the higher road and give this kid a chance. Give him a chance because he was reaching out grasping for something... Over the next 2 hrs here are his messages to me.

No obviously this kid needs some help. So please if anyone here is actually friends with this kid, get him some help. He has some serious insecurities and maybe even sexual fears he needs to deal with. He is placing way too much time and anxiety into a game where he feels he is oppressed and is grasping for whatever attention he can get.
Also if this poor soul is representing your league or camp you might want to seriously talk to him about his maturity level as one bad apple ruins the whole bucket.

Il just start out my reply by stating the fact that i have absolutely no respect for people like you whatsoever. People who act all high and mighty like their above anyone else. While I agree that his messages are quite immature, i think this post is much more telling of the kind of person you are than the kind he is. People say some stupid, illiterate things when their mad, especially when not face to face, now i dont know if he had appropriate reason or not, but he was obviously angry. I think the fact that you would take this dispute to the forums, call him out by name, and feign "concern" for him is just dispicable. The belief that stating anything homophobic, means you have sexual fears is completely rediculous. Im sure that he is just a normal person with at least as much intellectual capabilities as you.|||

Il just start out my reply by stating the fact that i have absolutely no respect for people like you whatsoever. People who act all high and mighty like their above anyone else. While I agree that his messages are quite immature, i think this post is much more telling of the kind of person you are than the kind he is. People say some stupid, illiterate things when their mad, especially when not face to face, now i dont know if he had appropriate reason or not, but he was obviously angry. I think the fact that you would take this dispute to the forums, call him out by name, and feign "concern" for him is just dispicable. The belief that stating anything homophobic, means you have sexual fears is completely rediculous. Im sure that he is just a normal person with at least as much intellectual capabilities as you.

I'm not acting all high and mighty and above anyone. But some of the people in this community love to run their mouth in pms on PSN and then come here and act like saints. Boiler is one of them. In another thread he berated a friend of mine for acting immature. Then comes to me with these messages after he watches the Live Broadcast. I haven't fought him or seen him in ranked play in days. However the days of just spitting * out mouth on PSN with no backlash is over. He wanted to call me out for being immature in the other thread and now he turns around and does this. Well then everyone will know and he will have to live with the fact of being called out on it.
I do have concern for people who get so wrapped up in this game.|||What's immature is people crying about a persons personal choice of controls in a video game.
cmon son.|||Boiler569 is my new hero !
i hope he ends you, effing spammers ruining the game, kill yourself, you ruin the game for everyone.|||

Boiler569 is my new hero !
i hope he ends you, effing spammers ruining the game, kill yourself, you ruin the game for everyone.

After reading this, I cannot tell what your true feelings are. Tell us how you really feel, don't be reserve or hold anything back, just let it out. :)

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