Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ways to defend against.....

Bloody Body Spammers i've had like 6 in a row, really starting to grind my gears :)|||if you can get a parry in do that. Get better at defending subs as most people look to spam and slam to side control and go for a sub or go to mount. In mount dont try to parry, go into survival mode and block and pull down when they the stop thier flurry from mount, your head health will regenerate faster, and aslong as it's not vale tudo you may have a chance to last the round. With the slam, dont parry, there gonna get that slam basically, but if you deny it you'll land in half guard instead of side control, and that'll give you a little bit more of a chance. A good ground game is key.|||Block the first few shots then when their stamina is down bodyspam back. Teep kick the * out of them, and if worst comes to worst, use the parry takedown and try to win on the ground.|||If you are CC then just wait for their stamina to get low and body
spam them back if you are TSC and you know you are fighting a
known body spam abuser get a max ground wrestler caf with
max health not focusing so much on the stand up and parry
takedown them and make them play the ground game. the bad
thing is though some of the body spammers aint that bad at the
ground game though most are, kinda makes me wonder why they
do that crap to begin with. Most are just thinking they are doing something
with winning that way but really nobody respects them at the top of the
ladder and all the other CC top guys whipe the floor with them. It kinda
makes what they do seem mute.
This video I made a while back make help ya too.

|||Dangit Chopped, I wish I had a PS3, 'cause I'd like to fight you. Don't get me wrong, I know darn well I wouldn't be able to do much, but I need the experience lmao|||If you listen to these fools you would be a "Bloody Body spammer" yourself. lol They're cheesers and to justify their cheese they use the "he did it 1st" excuse. Try holdng block instead of parrying your way out of it. Just hold block and wait until they gas themselves. Then clinch, slam, mount. You could also try and catch them coming in with a teep or body kick or even a str8 punch.|||"body spamming" is just the mechanic you use in this game for control stamina and therefore the fight. the best way to defend against a player who is good at controlling the fight, Is simply to take the fight to him. The best defense is a strong offense.|||

If you listen to these fools you would be a "Bloody Body spammer" yourself. lol They're cheesers and to justify their cheese they use the "he did it 1st" excuse. Try holdng block instead of parrying your way out of it. Just hold block and wait until they gas themselves. Then clinch, slam, mount. You could also try and catch them coming in with a teep or body kick or even a str8 punch.

who are you calling a fool you? nobody is going to completly gas themselfs
out by throwing to your body so you can just clinch then and slam them to
full mount. What kind of kids are you playing with over there in XBOX?
Dont listen to this jerk, if somebody body spams you , you can body spam them
back and nobody will look down on it. this guy is making crap up to discredit us
but is doing a poor job. I don't even that that guy is a top 10 player on xbox, I
never hear anybody mention anything about him being any good
|||Hey Look its me again!!!!|||

Hey Look its me again!!!!

you little squirt ! :)

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