Friday, April 27, 2012

any way to fix all the ducking?

really getting sick of having people duck me 100 times a day. I think after a certain belt you shouldn't be allowed to back out of a fight at all. Or if thats too harsh then make it so you're only allowed to back out of a fight a limited number of times a day?
It's pretty lame when people just try to avoid higher belt colours even though the belt doesn't mean skill, just how long/how much you play. Its also lame being forced to fight low belts who don't really know how to play all that much (although I did just get flashed by a guy with a losing record of 38-39 cause I was trying to make it interesting lol)
so yeah..thats what really grinds my gears.|||I've been accused of 'ducking' before. I will fight anyone, any belt, any rank, any record.
I don't DUCK, but when i see the person has a terribly connection, or i know it will not connect me, and the other player, i will cancel, return to the main screen, and re-connect to EA.
That's not ducking. I think people mistake ducking for this a lot. (aside from egghead, MMA_Bloodlust, and a handful of others.. they really do duck like crazy.)|||The connection doesn't resolve correctly until the last three seconds. So how can you duck based on connection when it doesn't even tell you the real connection until the timer has hit the point where you can't duck anymore.|||

The connection doesn't resolve correctly until the last three seconds. So how can you duck based on connection when it doesn't even tell you the real connection until the timer has hit the point where you can't duck anymore.

After many 'connection problems' i've realized a pattern.
(ON PS3)
For me, IT WILL NOT CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent all the bars are solid green, and don't move.
IT WILL CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent, They will be mostly green at the start, wobble a bit to yellow, sometimes even completely drop to "no bars"- Then during the last 3 seconds they will rise up to green/high yellow.

The connection doesn't resolve correctly until the last three seconds. So how can you duck based on connection when it doesn't even tell you the real connection until the timer has hit the point where you can't duck anymore.

After many 'connection problems' i've realized a pattern.
(ON PS3)
For me, IT WILL NOT CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent all the bars are solid green, and don't move.
IT WILL CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent, They will be mostly green at the start, wobble a bit to yellow, sometimes even completely drop to "no bars"- Then during the last 3 seconds they will rise up to green/high yellow.

ahh okay. Its the same on X box. I thought you were saying because they had low bars or dropped to no bars you were ducking out. I don't get that a ton but occassionally I get guys who I can tell are going to freeze me and I'll duck out. Or people who have froze me multiple times in the past, I figure even if it connects it's going to lag. I don't really pay attention to the matchmaking though, I play something else on my phone while I wait so usually I just look up and the spinners just spinning.

The connection doesn't resolve correctly until the last three seconds. So how can you duck based on connection when it doesn't even tell you the real connection until the timer has hit the point where you can't duck anymore.

After many 'connection problems' i've realized a pattern.
(ON PS3)
For me, IT WILL NOT CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent all the bars are solid green, and don't move.
IT WILL CONNECT IF: Upon locking on an opponent, They will be mostly green at the start, wobble a bit to yellow, sometimes even completely drop to "no bars"- Then during the last 3 seconds they will rise up to green/high yellow.

Agreed, although I notice that the bars will stay green until 5 seconds and then will dip down and it will connect, but if I wait until 5 seconds and it doesnt dip I cant back out so I get stuck.
Glad I'm not the only one that noticed this pattern though. (PS3).|||I'm sorry people, but I will duck any known cheaters (Glitched CAFs) and/or hookspammers. I'm a white masterbelt as well, and I get ducked often, but I will still decide for myself who I fight.
The only way to avoid ducking I think is to not show who your opponent is going to be until you connect, like in the Tekken series.|||

I'm sorry people, but I will duck any known cheaters (Glitched CAFs) and/or hookspammers. I'm a white masterbelt as well, and I get ducked often, but I will still decide for myself who I fight.
The only way to avoid ducking I think is to not show who your opponent is going to be until you connect, like in the Tekken series.

Exactly. Some people just don't have time. There are a few guys I just won't have time to go into a 4 round fight with because I simply won't have the time to. There are also other spammers that I know I won't have time to jab-straight right hand for 10 minutes either. If people weren't so cheap they'd get more fights. No different than in any other sport.

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