Friday, April 20, 2012

what happened to grappling?

ya know, i haven't been playing all that long... but i thought this was an MMA game? why do i only see guys boxing and kickboxing? most everyone has 99 standup and 33 submission, and i thought those guys would be playing fight night or something. now everyone i fight goes parryparryparryparry WHAM oh the fights over! am i just unlucky with my draws or is this a common thing...?|||It's because sadly that's how most MMA 'fans' seem to want all fights to go. Doesn't take long for the arena to start booing the second the fight goes to the clinch or the ground at most UFC PPVs. Coincidence that the casual fans don't realise other organisations exist and UFC gets the crowds who boo the most?|||It's also easier. I think that plays a big part in it, stats can be the most important aspect of standup, a guy playing his first match could beat someone who has played plenty if he had the better character, but grappling generally requires you to know what you're doing.|||At least 50% of my wins come from GnP...either thru a straight KO, or destroying their stam/head enough that they're sitting ducks...but I agree, tons of ppl are almost standup-only with ground as plan B|||Everyone is like a prime Chuck Liddell on this game, brutal stand up, flawless TDD and no subs at all.|||

Everyone is like a prime Chuck Liddell on this game, brutal stand up, flawless TDD and no subs at all.

or they are like wakeandbake, and they body spam when they're in trouble on their feet. like little, sad *. This guy has tons of fights on this game, and has to spam like the guys everyone * about. I played him for about 3 minutes, he started to rock me, I tried to take him down, we stood back up, I started to rock him, and then he spammed body hooks right away until i dropped, recovered with little to no stamina, he passed, mounted, and then won. No problems with the loss whatsoever. But this guys will spam his * off as soon as he needs to. All of you guys on here are so desperate to win that its truly pathetic. You come on these forums acting like you're * hero's and are some stand up guys, or you act like you just aren't the biggest * on the planet and when it comes down to it, you're just as lame as the guys who openly admit to it. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ON THIS THREAD SAYS, THEY ARE COMPETITIVE VIDEO GAME PLAYERS. THEY WANT TO WIN, AND WILL DO WHAT THEY CAN TO WIN. THERE IS NO HONOR OR CODE OF ETHICS INVOLVED IN VIDEO GAME COMPETITION. In fact, the nature of how games are played and designed are for guys who really can't win in anything physical/real in life, and so they have to have 300+ online "ranked fights" to swell their bruised ego's while the nearest real man is * their girlfriends while she says she's shopping. There are a few of you who are cool on here, sure. Props to those of you, you know who you are. You play the game fair, and have a good time doing it The rest of you pathetic, spamming * retards need to * off. Plain and simple.
Wakeandbake, why would you care if there is too much stand up? Once the guys rock you, you can just go ahead and spam the body hooks for the easy win. Especially if they'd seen you on here, thought that your presence on the forums meant that you actually wanted to play the game for fun(not just some hollow win), and didn't rush to cheat as soon as you tagged them and put them in trouble. You * fake me out * stoner. Grow up, dude. I smoke daily and don't try to rep it like "Oh, I smoke * guys, please notice and think I'm cool." What an idiot.|||LMAO, I'm quite honored that you took so much of your time writing about me and being frustrated about losing, as you speak of others that are to competitive or whatever.
FYI I didn't start using CC until about a week ago, I even posted it here. As for our fight, it must have been a short one cause I don't remember you at all. If I spammed the * out of your body then you probably deserved it, I only fight "fair" when the other person does.|||I think the ground game is not widely used for a few reasons.
First off, unless you really know what you're doing being in guard (top) almost guarantees falling victim to a triangle.
One failed parry= triangle. Not realistic.
Secondly, the stamina drains from being parried. It is more damaging to be parried than it is to take a knee in the body. It's rather stupid. You can take to the ground with far more stamina and the other player can just spam parries, get lucky a few times and now you are gassed. How real is that?
For me it was the button transitions and sound effects. I know it's trivial but using buttons to grapple just turned me off (one reason I switched to CC) and the sound effects are laughable. Others I have played with said the same coupled with lack of moves.
In summary, my observations are that being on the ground is not safe due to the parry spamming. Unless in full mount or back control you cannot just stand up to regenerate stamina. In half guard top for example, you get parried a few times, be pushed into guard and get triangled.
In the dominate clinch position you can simple disengage the clinch if parry spamming is killing your stamina. On the stand up, you can walk around for a few seconds. Parry spamming standing up or in the clinch can not end the fight which cannot be said for being on the ground.
|||I know exactly what you mean. I prefer being on the ground as opposed to the stand up. It seems so random sometimes on the stand up (but that's realistic). I hate button spammers though and it seems every 4 out of 5 fights are guys running up to me and spamming hooks. Yes, over half my wins are subs (a few are cheap triangles) but lately I've gotten very good at mounting and GnPing faces in. That's my game plan.|||Button mashing body spammers happened|||Parry spam on the ground is OP just like standing......I've learned to become part psychic and predict their moves (sometimes lol) Death to spammers! Death to parry spam!|||

I think the ground game is not widely used for a few reasons.
First off, unless you really know what you're doing being in guard (top) almost guarantees falling victim to a triangle.
One failed parry= triangle. Not realistic.
Secondly, the stamina drains from being parried. It is more damaging to be parried than it is to take a knee in the body. It's rather stupid. You can take to the ground with far more stamina and the other player can just spam parries, get lucky a few times and now you are gassed. How real is that?
For me it was the button transitions and sound effects. I know it's trivial but using buttons to grapple just turned me off (one reason I switched to CC) and the sound effects are laughable. Others I have played with said the same coupled with lack of moves.
In summary, my observations are that being on the ground is not safe due to the parry spamming. Unless in full mount or back control you cannot just stand up to regenerate stamina. In half guard top for example, you get parried a few times, be pushed into guard and get triangled.
In the dominate clinch position you can simple disengage the clinch if parry spamming is killing your stamina. On the stand up, you can walk around for a few seconds. Parry spamming standing up or in the clinch can not end the fight which cannot be said for being on the ground.

In bold are the parts that with the proper adjustments would be ideal. No doubt those things need a second look.|||I think its just way more fun in general to have a great standup battle. The parry system when you get parried is supposed to replicate you wasting energy on a missed strike which should deter spamming against a fighter with superior defense/parry skills.
a real life example i think would be a fight similar to the first TUF finally where forrest and bonnar were swinging wildy all over the place, they quickly got gassed and the rest of the fight was quite the swingfest. if they had been more seasons vets then defense would have taken a greater roll and one of them could have really capatlized on the others mistakes.|||Go play UFC 2010 if you want to hug and wrestle all day. There was absoloutly no stand up what so ever in that game.|||I do tend to use the ground as a plan B tbh, normally only if I'm getting beaten up on the feet. I enjoy the standup game more, I guess it's just a faster pace. I'll also use the GnP more if I find some noobs who have no idea what they're doing and want an easy win :)
I only use Scott Smith online, and my subs * suck, so against more seasoned guys I tend to try and avoid it as much as possible, at least top guard anyway. All other positions I don't mind too much, but I generally will try and get back to my feet as opposed to a dominant position.

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