Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My connection is good. I can get online with any of my other games. I can also reach the EA MMA servers with another account on the same console. The only thing I can think of is my gamertag is banned. Would a mod or dev please come in here and tell me whats up? If I'm banned then please be man enuf to tell me why. If not then what needs to be done to solve this problem?
I dont deserve this. I promote this game to new ppl, I defend it when the UFC nutthuggers bash it, I come here and suggest ideas with the intent to help the game, hell I even helped to start a league specifically for this game. Wtf man? What the hell did I do? Are one of your employees butthurt by something I said? I mean wtf man? Again, can a dev or mod please come in here and let me know something?|||Calm down man. Don't jump to conclusions right away.
Try clearing your Console's cache, rebooting and trying again.
Don't start throwing out insults and creating scenarios in your head to blame EA. Take the steps needed to rectify the issue.
That being said, I can't say for sure if EA has done anything or not.
If you can still connect to Live or PSN, then your GT has probably not been banned. Just a small glitch that should be solved with a reboot or clearing of the cache.|||I'm in the same boat Killa Bee. Mine will work sometimes but 90% of the time I can't access the server.
I started a new profile so that I can actually play but I want my original to work. My spot on the leader boards is dropping rapidly since I can hardly ever play. I also get stuck playing a lot of scrubs under the alternate profile and I want to get matched up with the best guys like I do on my Abstrakt Fists profile.|||I've never heard of any game company doing this before, except perhaps bungie, but at least in that case you get a message. Certainly thought EA would have mentioned if they were banning people. What gave you this idea, you done anything that would have gotten you banned? :)|||Probably an issue on your end. EA tells you when you've been banned (I only know this because I posted in one of Emoteps sales threads... I said something like, "Thanks for the update on the sales!" and got banned... yeah) so it can't be that.
The servers might be down. Internet might be going crazy right now (SNOW STORM!).
Just wait it out!|||You aren't banned. You wouldn't be able to get on any other EA games if you were banned and you would have been contacted.
I know it is frustrating man, but the best solution is to either get a new GT, a new XBOX, or ride it out.|||

Calm down man. Don't jump to conclusions right away.
Try clearing your Console's cache, rebooting and trying again.
Don't start throwing out insults and creating scenarios in your head to blame EA. Take the steps needed to rectify the issue.
That being said, I can't say for sure if EA has done anything or not.
If you can still connect to Live or PSN, then your GT has probably not been banned. Just a small glitch that should be solved with a reboot or clearing of the cache.

Dude I've done everything suggested. I've cleared my cache, I've rebooted my system, I've reset the damn clock and so on. I'm not saying they banned me. I'm asking bcuz there doesnt seem to be any other option. Devs have been known to get butt hurt over things ppl say here and even go as far as to dislike members and deem them unwelcome so its not out of the question that one of them may have gotten pis'd off at something I said and got me banned without saying anything just to be an *. The fact that they wont answer my pms or even come in here and address the issue is what makes me feel this way.

I've never heard of any game company doing this before, except perhaps bungie, but at least in that case you get a message. Certainly thought EA would have mentioned if they were banning people. What gave you this idea, you done anything that would have gotten you banned? :)

Upon my research of the problem I've found a few threads here where ppl had the same problem and they were banned for their conduct on the forum.

You aren't banned. You wouldn't be able to get on any other EA games if you were banned and you would have been contacted.
I know it is frustrating man, but the best solution is to either get a new GT, a new XBOX, or ride it out.

I downloaded the FNR4 demo and it wont let me reach the servers with that either yet I can get online with any other game. Add to that I can reach the servers with my brother's gamertag on the same console and you would see why I feel this way.

Probably an issue on your end. EA tells you when you've been banned (I only know this because I posted in one of Emoteps sales threads... I said something like, "Thanks for the update on the sales!" and got banned... yeah) so it can't be that.
The servers might be down. Internet might be going crazy right now (SNOW STORM!).
Just wait it out!

You're ignoring what I said. I can get online with any other game so it cant be my connection. I can also reach the servers with another gamertag just not my original. That clearly means its a problem with my gamertag. If the servers were down it would reject my other gamertag too then.|||This is EXACTLY the same issue I had. I was without EA MMA for about a month. It didn't fix itself until I got a new XBOX. There is no good solution for this.|||

This is EXACTLY the same issue I had. I was without EA MMA for about a month. It didn't fix itself until I got a new XBOX. There is no good solution for this.

Its not my XBOX tho. I can reach their servers with my brother's gamertag thats on the same console. It looks as tho I need to get a new gamertag which is BS. I still have 8 months left on my original one. :)|||Killa what aren't you understanding about what Andrew is saying. He had the exact same problem. 1st xbox he couldn't connect on his GT. May a new one or used someone elses he could connect. olll had the same problem on PSN and went through 3 different PSN's before 1 has continued worked.
This is a random glitch that at this point no one can explain. You are not banned and this isn't being ignored its just a random thing that no one has a grasp on yet. If you've tried the steps that Andrew and Kid Showtime suggested then there are two options left at that point. Set up a new GT and play on that checking your old once in awhile to see if its been fixed or as Andrew suggested his problem was fixed with a new xbox.|||

Killa what aren't you understanding about what Andrew is saying. He had the exact same problem. 1st xbox he couldn't connect on his GT. May a new one or used someone elses he could connect. olll had the same problem on PSN and went through 3 different PSN's before 1 has continued worked.
This is a random glitch that at this point no one can explain. You are not banned and this isn't being ignored its just a random thing that no one has a grasp on yet. If you've tried the steps that Andrew and Kid Showtime suggested then there are two options left at that point. Set up a new GT and play on that checking your old once in awhile to see if its been fixed or as Andrew suggested his problem was fixed with a new xbox.

What arent you understanding? Its not my xbox. There is a problem with the ea servers and my gt. I can get online with any other game and I can also reach the ea servers with another gt on this console. I'm not buying another xbox just so I can use this gt and I'm not buying another gamertag just for ea mma. Thats like paying extra to play ea mma's online. The problem isnt on my end so why should I pay anything. I love the game but I'm not paying anything else to keep playing it. I'll just play my buddies that come over and move on to something else. Thanks for the suggestions tho Andrew.|||

What arent you understanding? Its not my xbox. There is a problem with the ea servers and my gt. I can get online with any other game and I can also reach the ea servers with another gt on this console. I'm not buying another xbox just so I can use this gt and I'm not buying another gamertag just for ea mma. Thats like paying extra to play ea mma's online. The problem isnt on my end so why should I pay anything. I love the game but I'm not paying anything else to keep playing it. I'll just play my buddies that come over and move on to something else. Thanks for the suggestions tho Andrew.

I could do all those things as well. I own Madden 11 and NHL 11 and could connect fine to the EA servers. I could use other XBOX Live GTs on my system to get on the EA servers. The issue revolves around the GT. I was in the same situation you were. I didn't want to buy a new GT and I didn't buy a new XBOX in order to play EA MMA. I was getting one anyways and it just happened to work.
I and others have experienced the same exact thing and from my experience with EA customer service, there is nothing that can be done.|||Well if anyone thinks, that buying a new freakin XBOX is a damn solution then they most be in a hell of a lot higher tax bracket than my poor butt. I don't have this problem but if it's a common glitch and it does this crap I'll be getting banned for sure after that cause I'll be raising some hell somewhere. I mean hopefully they are getting it fixed, but they better not suggest I solve this "little problem" by shelling out a huge chunk of my paycheck for a new xbox, right after the Christmas hit to my wallet, and the winter electric bill hit. Sorry I'm getting a little agitated here, just got a huge electric bill that I'm steaming over. But paying $350 to play certain games seems like NO solution to me Price of the game and price of a new Xbox. Even buying a new gamertag is no solution for me. Now I'm worried I'm gonna get this, since my 360 is ancient. EA better be checking into this cause looks like they'd be liable in court for something like that.|||

Well if anyone thinks, that buying a new freakin XBOX is a damn solution then they most be in a hell of a lot higher tax bracket than my poor butt. I don't have this problem but if it's a common glitch and it does this crap I'll be getting banned for sure after that cause I'll be raising some hell somewhere. I mean hopefully they are getting it fixed, but they better not suggest I solve this "little problem" by shelling out a huge chunk of my paycheck for a new xbox, right after the Christmas hit to my wallet, and the winter electric bill hit. Sorry I'm getting a little agitated here, just got a huge electric bill that I'm steaming over. But paying $350 to play certain games seems like NO solution to me Price of the game and price of a new Xbox. Even buying a new gamertag is no solution for me. Now I'm worried I'm gonna get this, since my 360 is ancient. EA better be checking into this cause looks like they'd be liable in court for something like that.

I only suggested that because I bought a new XBOX for other reasons and it just happened to start working again. I was in no way suggesting or saying that EA suggested to buy a new XBOX as a solution.|||I'm still having the same problem. Just create a new gamertag Bee. It sucks but right now its the only answer. It's fun on a new tag because you actually get games. The downside is about half of them are against scrubs.

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