Friday, April 20, 2012

knockout king is back and ready to become number 1 i cant wait to use a glich fi...

knockout king is back from my 3 day sus!lol im here to rule the world again number 1 here i *!hahahahahahaha
and thers nothing nobody can do bout it hahahaahahahahahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||

knockout king is back from my 3 day sus!lol im here to rule the world again number 1 here i *!hahahahahahaha
and thers nothing nobody can do bout it hahahaahahahahahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're right at this time we can't do anything but please be aware some rules have been implemented to the forums.

Some recent shenanigans has brought me to this. So please:
1] If you're going to hype yourself (that includes posting your hype video) and/or talk trash to each other, do it in a pre-established thread, created for that event. Don't create a new thread.
2] Be mature. Despite the goofy stuff we encourage in LB vids, etc, don't clog THESE THREADS with personal attacks. You want to critique someone's fighting style or record, fine. Name-calling and "f*** yous" and other ad hominem insults should be left on the playground, kiddies.
3] Attempt to communicate in complete sentences, with spell check and punctuation. I have plenty to do in my day. Unless there's a language barrier, translation should not be on my list of priorities. A random typo is fine, but make an attempt.
4] You want to get in on a specific LB? Check out the guidelines within those specific threads and post in them.
5] If someone rubs you the wrong way, challenge them to a fight online. Don't engage in flame-wars in here. Also, feel free to link to this thread as a reminder, instead of engaging or stooping to a trouble-maker's level.
6] I reserve the right to amend these rules and have the authority to dole out discipline, and also lock/trash threads that do not follow these easy-to-follow rules.
This forum is a major way for me to communicate to potential fighters and for me to inform interested parties about upcoming events. Remember, your behavior in here may effect your chances of getting in on a Live Broadcast. I don't want to be a bad guy and swing the ban hammer, but...
|||im a monster ppl who cant be tamed|||Dude you're adult man with a wife! keep it classy! gloating about cheating in the same sentence as becoming no. 1 is clearly contradictory.
Fight fair, perhaps you will gain back a little respect?!|||im the best ever all i do is cheat bc its how i like,i hate lumer and mike bc they are boyfriends|||lol BANHAMMER|||you have no skill.. using glitched fighters.. fight me using fighters that are on the game..|||ea sports mma sucks and u no what i just found out ppl ,wwmike and lumer does eachother in the butt holes lol
i hope mike and lumer dies to and i hope every body in the forms die as well hahaahahahhaahah
im the devil!!!!!!!!!!!!screw god and jesus they are fack and so is this game !ahahahahahahaahhahahahhahaa|||I usually don't get involved in this childish stuff, but KO King...u make me want to buy the game for XBOX just so I find your glitching a** and beat it. You can use your stupid glitch fighter and I'll STILL beat you. Guaranteed. Period. I have what we call "skills", something you lack my friend. Just b/c someone uses a Ferrari to beat a Kia in a race, doesnt mean they're more skilled. lol.
The funny thing is, everything you're doing says a lot about your character. In life, you must be a depressed and unhappy individual. If you're really comfortable with cheating and "winning" in the fashion that you do, good luck in life man.|||im a * u hope u die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mike and lumer had butt sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||

I usually don't get involved in this childish stuff, but KO King...u make me want to buy the game for XBOX just so I find your glitching a** and beat it. You can use your stupid glitch fighter and I'll STILL beat you. Guaranteed. Period. I have what we call "skills", something you lack my friend. Just b/c someone uses a Ferrari to beat a Kia in a race, doesnt mean they're more skilled. lol.
The funny thing is, everything you're doing says a lot about your character. In life, you must be a depressed and unhappy individual. If you're really comfortable with cheating and "winning" in the fashion that you do, good luck in life man.


you have no skill.. using glitched fighters.. fight me using fighters that are on the game..

I don't think pushing XyXyXyXyXy is skill..
Get on the stick and do some talking douche|||

im a monster ppl who cant be tamed
LOL, yeah a monster that i knocked out. Made it look easy!!!|||Can we just get KO banned already? I think this thread alone would be enough.

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