Wednesday, April 11, 2012

EA MMA Fight Leagues, Which One is The Biggest?

I like the league I'm in, but not sure if there's enough fighters to always get fights. Plus we are only allowed to have 2 CAFS, I would prefer to have a league where I have CAFS for every weight class, although it may not be like that anywhere. Anyway, does anyone know which league, and have a link to the one that has the most EA MMA players.|||I am not sure, but personally I would say UFF is the biggest at the moment. Nothing against the other league's I am in or anything. OFC is pretty big too, but I don't know what is going on with it, EA MMA is has been on hold since before the holidays.|||

I am not sure, but personally I would say UFF is the biggest at the moment. Nothing against the other league's I am in or anything. OFC is pretty big too, but I don't know what is going on with it, EA MMA is has been on hold since before the holidays.
Hey, thanks man. Now the question is which one has the worst players in it? That's the one I NEED to be in. :) I got beat by a 4-2 guy today, by a freakin armbar. I thought I was some kind of stud at getting out of armbars, online players make you wake up quick as to how much you need to improve, or in my case. Wish I had got on board with this game when it came out, that way maybe there wouldn't be such a learning curve.|||

I am not sure, but personally I would say UFF is the biggest at the moment. Nothing against the other league's I am in or anything. OFC is pretty big too, but I don't know what is going on with it, EA MMA is has been on hold since before the holidays.
Hey, thanks man. Now the question is which one has the worst players in it? That's the one I NEED to be in. :) I got beat by a 4-2 guy today, by a freakin armbar. I thought I was some kind of stud at getting out of armbars, online players make you wake up quick as to how much you need to improve, or in my case. Wish I had got on board with this game when it came out, that way maybe there wouldn't be such a learning curve.

Well, the UFF has some elite competition, but we also have a lot of guys that are willing to spar with people to work on your game. We have training camps that people have formed where they work together and will corner each other during their fights for help. You will only be matched up against people we feel you can compete with. You won't be thrown to the wolves.
|||Lol, that's cool, losses don't phase me in the least unless I'm playing a guy of equal or lesser experience, if I lose those fights that is the losses that sting a bit.|||No league out will let you have a CAF in all 5 weightclasses. To my knowledge OMMA is the only league that allows its members to have 2 CAFs (3 if you count the standup only CAF). Unless of course another league reads this message then adds this ability to their features. :) Also, there are plenty of ppl there that will help you. You just have to ask and I dont recall you askling. Go to the Gym section and post or post in one of the camp threads.|||

No league out will let you have a CAF in all 5 weightclasses. To my knowledge OMMA is the only league that allows its members to have 2 CAFs (3 if you count the standup only CAF). Unless of course another league reads this message then adds this ability to their features. :) Also, there are plenty of ppl there that will help you. You just have to ask and I dont recall you askling. Go to the Gym section and post or post in one of the camp threads.
I hate to ask anything...just weird like that. Then my time is so little, for playing the game with the wife on the TV (sure I can post on this place for a couple hours a day, lol), kids on my Xbox, and then work and my own training, and sports for my oldest, but anyway a lot of us have that. So anyway, I play so late at night I almost hate to ask someone to help me that late. But I have been getting help, and then you helped me last night (appreciate it). So we can have a 3rd CAF, a standup CAF? I want to do that, I need to sign up! I need to sign my 2nd CAF up. Really wasn't complaining about our league, mainly seeing if there was some beginner league, a training wheel league. :)|||

No league out will let you have a CAF in all 5 weightclasses. To my knowledge OMMA is the only league that allows its members to have 2 CAFs (3 if you count the standup only CAF). Unless of course another league reads this message then adds this ability to their features. :) Also, there are plenty of ppl there that will help you. You just have to ask and I dont recall you askling. Go to the Gym section and post or post in one of the camp threads.
I hate to ask anything...just weird like that. Then my time is so little, for playing the game with the wife on the TV (sure I can post on this place for a couple hours a day, lol), kids on my Xbox, and then work and my own training, and sports for my oldest, but anyway a lot of us have that. So anyway, I play so late at night I almost hate to ask someone to help me that late. But I have been getting help, and then you helped me last night (appreciate it). So we can have a 3rd CAF, a standup CAF? I want to do that, I need to sign up! I need to sign my 2nd CAF up. Really wasn't complaining about our league, mainly seeing if there was some beginner league, a training wheel league. :)

Fight Force is meant to be our beginner league with Bushido and Ultimat Combat as out pro leagues. We just dont have enuf ppl to split everyone up. We could break the weightclasses down so its only LW, MW and HW like other leagues have done but we want all weightclasses open so ppl can fight where they want. Dont worry we wont match you up with any good players if you arent good unless of course you request it. :)|||

No league out will let you have a CAF in all 5 weightclasses. To my knowledge OMMA is the only league that allows its members to have 2 CAFs (3 if you count the standup only CAF). Unless of course another league reads this message then adds this ability to their features. :) Also, there are plenty of ppl there that will help you. You just have to ask and I dont recall you askling. Go to the Gym section and post or post in one of the camp threads.
I hate to ask anything...just weird like that. Then my time is so little, for playing the game with the wife on the TV (sure I can post on this place for a couple hours a day, lol), kids on my Xbox, and then work and my own training, and sports for my oldest, but anyway a lot of us have that. So anyway, I play so late at night I almost hate to ask someone to help me that late. But I have been getting help, and then you helped me last night (appreciate it). So we can have a 3rd CAF, a standup CAF? I want to do that, I need to sign up! I need to sign my 2nd CAF up. Really wasn't complaining about our league, mainly seeing if there was some beginner league, a training wheel league. :)

Fight Force is meant to be our beginner league with Bushido and Ultimat Combat as out pro leagues. We just dont have enuf ppl to split everyone up. We could break the weightclasses down so its only LW, MW and HW like other leagues have done but we want all weightclasses open so ppl can fight where they want. Dont worry we wont match you up with any good players if you arent good unless of course you request it. :)
Lol, when you get old like me you know death is closer anyway, you lose that death wish you have in your youth. :) I probably won't be asking for killab or tatankasoldier or that * guy anytime soon.|||Is there any good non caf leagues? Just started playing this game again in a long time and never really was interested in a league but I wouldn't mind checking it out now except I only like playing as real fighters.|||

Is there any good non caf leagues? Just started playing this game again in a long time and never really was interested in a league but I wouldn't mind checking it out now except I only like playing as real fighters. is an excellent PS3 only league for real fighters. Otherwise I'd check out the OFC. if they are still open.|||Actually, yall are all wrong. RMFL or the ranked match fighting league is not only the biggest, but also the best with members like me, fullmetal, poopooirwin, ian non fjv, wind3x etc.|||

Actually, yall are all wrong. RMFL or the ranked match fighting league is not only the biggest, but also the best with members like me, fullmetal, poopooirwin, ian non fjv, wind3x etc.

RMFL gives you what exactly? The satisfaction of knowing that you're friends with the biggest spammers on the 360 side?
Maybe you'd be getting somewhere on a live broadcast like you want if you manned up and joined the UFF. It's sad that our lowest level of competition would ace you without your imbalanced stats and 5+ hook combos.|||

Is there any good non caf leagues? Just started playing this game again in a long time and never really was interested in a league but I wouldn't mind checking it out now except I only like playing as real fighters. is an excellent PS3 only league for real fighters. Otherwise I'd check out the OFC. if they are still open.

yea check out the wefl, they have PLENTY of good competition and are highly active... right now the ofc's gettin ready to launch a new site and start a fresh season, we had a LOT of drama that messed the whole league up... we should be up and running with a brand new site in the next few weeks, so stay tuned we'll be having some cards in the very near future.......|||

Actually, yall are all wrong. RMFL or the ranked match fighting league is not only the biggest, but also the best with members like me, fullmetal, poopooirwin, ian non fjv, wind3x etc.
But you guys are the top of the hill. I'm like not even close to that type of skill level. I guess it would be good experience at getting my a** kicked, even worse.

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