Friday, April 20, 2012

Can a clinch be denied after a parry?

I've been trying to figure that out and I don't really know anyone to practice it with so I just wondered if anyone knows.
I mean, I use a Judo guy (I know, laugh it up lol. No one uses it and I love Judo throws and trips), and my thinking was, "Well, if someone starts spamming me with body hooks, maybe I can parry one, and then get a free clinch during the parry, and hopefully work my way to a slam where I can skip his full guard and then work to a mount or a side-mount choke attempt".. But, I don't know if that's true or not, it's hard to tell with the CC spam if they can deny the clinch even while they're stumbling after I parry them, or if I'm just not hitting it fast enough. I figure this could stop people from hacking my legs to pieces too. It just seems that the window for a clinch deny is even bigger than the takedown deny window. Either that or I'm doing it wrong?
Any help would be appreciated!|||maybe if ppl are focused at delivering bodyshots at u they have worse chance at denying your clinch attempt,but its not like parrying has anything to do with the size of the clinch deny window.the deny windows of clinch attempts and takedowns depend solely on the clinch control and takedown defence of the fighter.
U can switch stances changing your lead foot during a fight in order to prevent your legs from easily being chopped|||Yeah I know aboutt he leg thing, I just thought since teeps and body hooks stun you and make you unable to parry, dash, or even respond, maybe you could get a free clinch after you parry a strike like people get free knockouts after a teep or body shot. Guess not :) Don't know why they made it so that takedown defense has to do with whether or not you get clinched, that's pretty gay, 2 different things entirely!|||Clinch attempt deny window depends on clinch clontrol,takedown attempt deny window depends on takedown defence,thats what i said in my first post :)|||Ohhhh, I see now. I thought you meant like it was your clinch control vs his takedown defense, and I was like, "That doesn't make any sense at ALL" lol. Thanks! I just find it odd that while someone is standing there blatantly parry-stunned (like when you block a leg kick), you can't get a grab out of it as a reward, but oh well.|||Well if u could get a grab out of your opponent just about every time u parried one of his strikes,that would be a little too much of a reward i guess ^^|||Yeah, that's true and I agree, but as it stands right now, they give you an even bigger reward than a grab just for landing a single body hook or a teep kick. You go into a stun-lock where you're completely helpless and the aggressor gets an automatic rock-state on you.
So, if the reward for landing a body hook or a teep kick is a rocked-state, I should be able to get a simple clinch out of a parried hook, where the guy has an equal chance to hurt me just as bad, tire me out, struggle to slam me, etc. I'm just kinda blown away at that 0.o|||Wile the clinch got jacked with the last patch. Now, even if you fail a clinch attempt it drops stamina to the same rate a failed takedown does.
As far as the parry, I only know I can get the clinch more often vs guys who parry spam while walking you down but have not noticed a "free clinch" for a parried strike. In the past the clinch was a huge part of my game but the patch changed that.

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