Friday, April 20, 2012

ea whats goin on with the uk servers ?

ive lost about 4 fights now due to loosing connection to ea servers in mid fight just wondering if there has been an issue in uk would appreciate some feedback cheers guys|||I wouldnt expect a reply, EA dont care about us UK players.
the whole game seems to be based around america, even in live events you never see a european event.
If someone from EA does see this then i would also like to know what is going on, i've lost so many fights due to bad connection. even the ones i win i still had a bad connection.
95% of the fights i have had in ranked mode have been so laggy and not really playable all because i've been matched up with americans
i have fought on the live event and lost quite quickly due to the crappy connection, i got loads of messages from people laughing about it and callin me a noob. it ruined my rep and i've not done a live event since. whats the point when all you can do is jus stand there and take the hits.
even the comentators called me a noob, which is crazy since i had been playing for about 2 months before even entering my first ranked match. its funny how people fight me and win because i cant parry or block and think im a noob even tho im a blue belt, they must think i got to blue belt and still dont know how to defend a punch.... idiots.
for all you people who think your superfast and untouchable when someone cant parry a punch, wake up!! its because there laggin and cant do anything to defend themselves.|||There's nothing more stressful on this game than losing because of lag. Standing there and taking punches because you can't block and then being called a "noob" is bloody annoying. Something needs to be done to allow a region search or something because lagging against Americans is no fun.
It's absolute bollocks. We also need to see some more European live events so that everyone gets a fair chance at showing their skills. How can we do that if we can't block transitions or parry? I'm a blue belt too and I think I'd be much higher ranked if I was able to actually play to my potential. I must look awful when I can't defend a telegraphed takedown attempt or clinch, or when I lay there and get punched in the face without responding. I think about 25% of my losses online are actually legit, probably less.
I'm not saying I'm a master here, but I'm pretty sure that I'm better than my rank or play style reflects online. It's just so hard to fight well when you seem to be moving at half the speed. The stacked position is ridiculous because you can't seem to be able to kick from your back with the lag and people seem to be exploiting that. I hope EA can sort this out because it's very unfair.|||im pretty sure you guys are the same person|||Not the same person, just two people with the same problems. We just happen to know each other and for the time being we're posting from the same computer.
But lets not dodge the issue at hand. Something needs to change.|||EA is like a big fart to the gamers they get our money and all and leave us with a * servers.. i was in a fight and got disconnected in the 3rd rd while i was winning and maked sure il win the discussion, damn you EA burn in hell , my record is *|||glad to know im not the only one with this issue.
I even PM'd preston about this issue - got zero response, didnt even acknowledge the issue.
As much as i love this game and want to play it - I know the server issue is never going to be addressed.
They have our money now - so just enjoy it whilst you can!

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