Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Decision bug online?

I just finished what I would describe as a three round, stand-up war with somebody online. He threw a billion jabs in the fight, but I managed to deal more damage, score a knockdown, dominate from the clinch, and stuff all of his takedowns in the third round... The third round ends with me riding his back.
I was kind of worried he might he squeeked out a decision by the billions of jabs he lobbed, but my fears were put to ease when the referee raised my hand. I know I got 27-24-27 from the three judges. I don't exactly recall his, all three of his scores were either 24-25 I'd say.
So, I'm satisfied with a split decision victory. I go online to see my current placement in the leaderboard was, and I notice that my fight against this dude was registered as a LOSS. I booted my game back up to check the fight replay to make sure I didn't read the scores wrong... However, my fight with this dude was no where in my fight replays...
To say I'm confused would be an understatement. This is been the only real major flaw I've found so far in the game... But unfortunately, it's a gamebreaker to me.|||Anyone?|||After about a day, the fight with this individual still isn't in my fight archive. I've been too afraid of encountering the problem again, that I haven't touched the game since.|||Dude it's just a loss on your record. It doesn't mean anything.|||

After about a day, the fight with this individual still isn't in my fight archive. I've been too afraid of encountering the problem again, that I haven't touched the game since.

LOL why are you afraid son? You scared a win might not register as a win?? Perhaps you should try enjoying the motherfacking game instead of worrying about your * record!
I've beaten a few top 50 guys and my overall record is 65-45, not impressive at all but I know how to hand out beatings to any top player but unlike you I play with lesser fighters for the fun of it, fack the record
Get a life bro, there;s more to life than online fight records|||I'm not worried about my record, nor am I worried about one loss. What bothers me about it was the fact that the game told me I WON. This is obviously a bug that should be addressed.|||I was on the other end of something like this the other day. Lost a fight, and during the last part right at the stats screen it said the other person had dc'd and it gave me the win...Was really strange.

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